Monday, August 3, 2020


Though I doubt it will matter in the scheme of things the way the world is going at the moment, but I decided that if Instagram is good for over one billion people, what the heck, maybe I should give it a test run. Like my blog which has just sort of evolved and has stayed true to the disclaimer regarding its rambling nature, I suspect that Instagram will just sort of happen and reflect perhaps a broader sense of things that I see, hear and watch. In the course of an average day, I do end up taking pictures that I rarely know what to do with, some have to do with all the wildlife that makes its way through or resides on our property, while other are pottery pictures and quite a few detail photos of all kinds of things here and about. Like the blog where I ramble on about whatever comes to mind, this venture is more about dragging myself into the moment and doing so mostly in a photo or video and a simple caption. I am not sure where to go with this platform but thought it worth giving it a try and of social media in general I am reminded of a famous TS Elliot quote; "Distracted from distraction by distraction" and since I am easily distracted, I hope I can do my best to do just that.

Up from the depths is a combination of two of my favorite things; Shino and Godzilla. What's not to enjoy? 

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