Friday, July 23, 2021


Illustrated is a rather well fired Iga chaire by Furutani Michio that showcases the brilliance of his firing and potting skills all in this one small package. The form has just enough visual tension, just enough volume, wonderful posture and a rich and unique surface to create a modern and expressionist  tour de force. Beyond the purely aesthetic observations, this chaire is perfect for the task at hand in size and scale of the aperture, as with most of Furutani Michio's pots, despite all other considerations, function, utility are the primary reasoning behind the creation of his brilliant Shigaraki and Iga works. As for the surface, the chaire is covered in ash from simple thin dusted ash to areas of thick built up glaze which that collects on the shoulder before creating these vivid rivulets of colors one doesn't see all that often, especially on such a confined space. At the end of the day, this pot is another highly successful piece by a master of his craft and art who despite his early passing has left not only a substantial body of work but has added his unique mark on the two traditions that he worked within and influenced his contemporaries and generations to come.  

(I had meant to post this up on July 20th but just couldn't find the photo. A few days late but here it is.)

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