Monday, July 25, 2022


Staring into this maelstrom of an interior reminds me of what the early days of a nebula coalescing into form at some distant reach back in time. Obviously though, neither quite that old nor quite that significant what you are actually looking at is the interior of an Iga chawan made by Kishimoto Kennin. As the chawan collected up loose and depositing ash like the gravity of a forming celestial body the surface became covered and under its own weight and molten viscosity began to run and coalesce at the bottom of the interior. By using varying wood types as both fuel and ash source, various elements within the chemical make-up of each tree, each piece of wood beyond its preponderance of silica can separate and migrate making their way to the very top of the built up glass creating any number of effects of which this is but one. Perhaps the classic appearance of a Kishimoto chawan is the manipulation and serendipity of the surface which is a blend of ash, thick and thin together with vivid hi-iro and tsuchi-aji brushed with fire to complete the landscape and why would the interior be any less interesting than the exterior?

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