Monday, September 26, 2022


With each unique encounter with a chawan by Kakurezaki Ryuichi in person or in photo, I seem to end up with a thought; is this typical, atypical or in fact is there any such thing as typical for this potter?  While I realize this particular chawan has a formula as to how it is made, cut and manipulated, each one does have certain unique qualities in its appearance and impact on the viewer. Proportions, posture and cut planes outline the form establishing its volume and presence where the various other details add to the narrative contained in what the potter has left of the clay. I guess the question can and should be posed in a different manner; what is typical and does it apply to someone like Kakurezaki Ryuichi? Know for all the conventions and constraints that he has broken, Kakurezaki has added more than a single page in the history book of what is the Bizen tradition. Typical or not, this potter's voice resonates through his engagement in process along with the discovery of where series plus formula leads and that perhaps is enough of an answer for me.    

"Have no fear of perfection, you will never reach it."  Salvador Dali

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