Wednesday, February 1, 2023


This abstrakt resist covered jar was an extra piece, the largest of a set of matching pieces as a commission and because I am paranoid, I made an second of the biggest one to make sure I would have all five pieces for a holiday commission. As luck would have it, both large jars made it out in great shape but the smallest jar, about 8" tall spiral cracked around the lid knob rendering it useless, something that I certainly didn't plan on and rarely see happen. As I inspected the crack it was clear that somehow a piece of organic material was inside the clay creating an air pocket (which may have been a piece of string?), something I also haven't seen in a rather long time. I had to go ahead and make another small covered jar and got the group of five packed and shipped out and I am left with this 13"+ piece as a bonus. The firing that this jar was in seemed to be a bit hotter than normal which leads to the really dark black surface and the bright colors showing as the spiral/slash repeat design. I am glad both of the bigger jars made it out safe and sound and I have thrown two extra lids to try to fit to the small jar knowing the original dimensions; time, a bisque, a glaze firing and time will tell how that works out.

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