Wednesday, April 5, 2023


Highlighted by rare sunlight this teabowl was part of a series of hexagonal and octagonal faceted pieces, joking referred to as the "polygon group". This particular bowl was thrown out of the small batch sandy white stoneware clay I have been mixing up. The whiter clay makes for a brighter Kuro-Oribe surface especially in the sunlight while allowing for the textured clay to show through and the dark blue-black surface to take a more prominent role in the production. As you can see, though basically square in form, each plane is pushed out in the center and faceted to either side which makes for a nice dividing point where the higher ridges creates a series of whitish craggy peaks. The foot on this bowl is more or less traditional having been tooled on the wheel while several of the other bowls had their feet cut square to compliment the overall forms. Though there is nothing earth shattering about these forms, it does give me  a break from the thrown round grind and allows for trying out simple ideas to present a form in a newer way as this squared, eight sided teabowl shows.

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