Monday, June 12, 2023


Illustrated is a slightly different Iga chawan by Kojima Kenji made early on in his career that combines elements of several traditions. Having a low profile and wonky lip this bowl sits on a sturdy classic Kojima kodai but what sets it apart is the after the chawan was thrown, he applied a thick coat of hakeme slip around the mouth and upper exterior of the pot. As you can see in the image the white slip creates a perfect backdrop for the built up and running ash giving it a bright, almost luminous quality that makes for a different aesthetic than Kojima's normal Iga visuals. The creation of this Iga slipware using slip on this broad piece creates a rather pleasing bowl that is careful to keep both function and the wood fired philosophy in equal measures. Since I have never used this chawan I can't speak to its use but what I can say is that the bowl has an ideal shape, the foot and shallow bowl form fits the contours of my hand(s) quite well and has just the right weight despite being made to withstand the ardors of the somewhat violent firing process. Though this is an earlier work it remains clear that Kojima Kenji's attention has been focused on understanding and defining the tradition, the clay and the firing process to get the very most out of each and every shovelful of a clay that spans over a thousand years of use.


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