Monday, November 13, 2023


Six sided giving the impression of a Japanese folding byobu, each one its own unique landscape that all ties together in texture and surface. This hexagonal hanaire was made by Ando Moriyuki is finished in his idiosyncratic technique known as HAIYU ONIHADA (ash glaze, devil texture) and works wonderfully on this tapered old form with incised borders seperating each faceted panel of the pot. Perhaps one of the most alluring features of this vase is that as the glaze moves toward the base of the piece the dark green gives way to cascading runs of glaze now surrounded by slightly lighter areas of background. As you get to the mouth and upper neck, the wetness of the surface becomes a bit drier as the the glaze has thinned out a bit due to gravity and the heat of the wood firing. 

 All told, this is a classic pot by Ando Moriyuki and you can see more of this pot over on my Trocadero page;

1 comment:

  1. Heartfelt thanks for your exceptional post—it was both insightful and inspiring.
