Monday, November 27, 2023


A friend and fellow collector I know has a rather large Oni-Shino tsubo and every year right about now it becomes that time of year where the tsubo is decorated to match the season's festivities. I have shown the tsubo before but recently at my request he sent me some good detail photos of the surface, taken without disturbing the arrangement that is and here is just one of the shots I received. I have a handful of really good detail shots of various tsukigata pots and when i am asked why I favor him as a potter I usually choose from the group of pictures and send them along with the notation, he is why. First off, I should mention that when appropriate, I love multi-level of glazes that run where the sky is the limit from the possibilities and potential of what may as a singular glaze never dream of imagine the outcome. 

With simple layers of Shino, iron and usaully all natural ash from the kiln, the array of surfaces, effects and otherworldly landscapes really does seem to be endless and in this case the Shino forms a frozen, fractured sub-strata from which iron percolates through and mingles with running ash creating cascading tendril and rivers of multi-layer streams of color. I know this is just a detail but from this details, like a mapping excursion, each pictures highlights the small domain which when assembled create the whole panorama of a pot just filled to the brim, or lip in this case with adventures in clay, glaze and fire. Certainly worth the journey, one detail at a time.

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