Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Today was one of those days that doesn't have throwing/ making in the cards but rather a couple of errands and several hours of packing pots from the firing that was unloaded yesterday morning. In the firing were several orders as well as three teabowls that had to be quickly photographed and then packed up. I started with the serving pieces which need far more attention than the smaller pieces and worked my way to the teabowls which sold to a customer as soon as I sent him the photos. In the eleventh hour I received an order through my Trocadero marketplace and packed the last package that I am going to pack today (then off to the Post Office and one last errand.)

Illustrated is one of the three Kuro-Oribe style teabowls from this firing thrown out of a small batch, sandy white stoneware and faceted. As per usual, it is hard to know exactly what the surfaces will look like given the glazing process and usually each one is a welcome surprise with highlights here and there, especially around the interior walls and floor of the bowl. The one feature that I am pleased with for the longest is the shelf that is created from the faceting process which fills up and creates these deep, dark pools of almost black though more amber and rich green in the right lighting. This bowl and its compatriats are all now packed up and going halfway cross the country, it is always pleasing to see my pots collect dust somewhere other than my studio, so hasta manana


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