Monday, June 17, 2024


As I look at this rather large piece I am reminded of lapping waves swirling around in a tidal pool where the dark recesses speak a bit ominously of what is hidden under their depths. The wonderful texture and surface of this large Iga platter was conceived and executed by Kojima Kenji bringing a good idea into outstanding results. The Iga green of the surface coalasces into deep, dark pools at the depths of the swirled texture creating sheets of gem-like bidoro across the breathe of this modern osara inspired by the longevity of the Iga and Ko-Iga traditions. 

Attached  to the overall photo is an exhibition card which once again clearly shows a vastly different surface from the here and there photos. For whatever reason, my photo was taken using normal lighting and the surface is predominantly green in appearance while the card photo shows a rather distinctly brown pot is if in contrary universes of illuminating wavelengths. At the end of the day if you asked me which best represents the actual presentation of this large Iga osara I would have to say that I guess it depends on the light source you are viewing the piece in and whether or not you are wearing sunglasses.

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