Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Illustrated is a recent teabowl made out of a sandy small batch clay with the new(ish) golden brown amber glaze. I am trying to figure out where it works and where and doesn't and give it a little more depth but testing can be challenging by going too far or not far enough. After several more adjustments something new has shown up, where there are small voids of collection points, the glaze settles in to become like citrine, sparkly and puctuating the surface here and there. I can't say I exactly know why or how but realize the more I fiddle with the glaze the more likely I will lose some of the features that add interest to the surface. I think my next steps will to leave the glaze formula alone and start by adding a wash or two or three to the surface and see what happens next. I realize I can't just leave things be and will continue to tinker with it until the next time I unload the kiln the test piece is surrounded by a puddle of glaze.

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