Monday, December 29, 2014


Illustrated is a cool blue tile by legendary Karatsu potter, Nakazato Taroemon XIII (1923-2009). Using a rich black pigment, Nakazato has painted a classic E-Garatsu style design which he is well known for on this stoneware tile and then glazed it in a blue glaze he is also quite well known for. During the firing the pigment bled just enough to soften the design and create a unique interpretation of a classic design. Known for his unique use of inlay, tataki technique and brushwork, Taroemon XIII inherited centuries of Karatsu tradition through his father, Nakazato Muan (Ningen Kokuho) which he in turn has passed on to family, students and contemporaries alike. In much of his work, there is a directness and simplicity that draws from the past yet Taroemon strived to add the freshness of his times, Showa and Heisei in to all of his pottery.
"Not so much the painting of the tip of the brush but rather are so sensitive I would like to call them pictures painted by the heart." A quote from Kato Hajime discussing the myriad of brushed designs found on Karatsu pottery from the book; KARATSU by Johanna Becker, O.S.B.

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