Friday, August 12, 2016


As I look back on the last two days of rolling out slabs, hand building two tall slender vase forms with too many moving parts for my comfort level and slipping/carving one of them, I have had a moment to stop and think about it and ask myself, what just happened, what was I thinking? It may seem that despite all of my protests of working in terra cotta and hand building in general I do more with both than one would think given my protests and reluctance to work with either. These vases in particular came about after running an old cartoon through my head, then seeing it on Youtube and I decided to see just how close to a profile I could make these without them failing either structurally or in general sense of form.  At less than four inches wide and the largest just shy of two feet tall, they are as slender as I considered feasible to remain upright through the drying, slow drying, bisque and glaze fire. I'll just have to wait and see this it plays out.

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