Monday, January 6, 2020


Having a few minutes the other day, I went ahead and made another kotsuzumi influenced koro and admittedly it doesn't pay to just make one piece when trying out a new idea. The construction of the piece was just like the previous one but I altered the proportions a little to get a slightly different form which includes four pierced squares in the knob to mimic the pierced and impressed devices around the piece. Destined for my Oribe glaze with a wash over the surface I am looking forward to seeing what this looks like finished and how the glaze/wash combo responds to the sloping surfaces. As before, I will certainly not count my chickens before the eggs are hatched but if this makes it and no clumsy kiln loaders or unloaders get handsy than I will post a picture of the finished pot when it (fingers crossed) makes it across the finish line.

"The place where optimism most flourishes is in the lunatic asylum*." Havelock Ellis

(* Sometimes known as a pottery studio.)

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