Monday, September 16, 2024


In an email exchange I was recently asked if I was going to or at least close to running out of pictures of pots to which my answer was simple, "I hope not". To that end I went to a file and found a group of quite a few pictures and this curious plate surfaced. This thrown, triangular plate was made and fired at Kent State (KSU) back in the early 90s by Kirk Mangus. I was working there at the time and Kirk decided to demo a few things of which this plate was one of them, pulling out the clay and as the plates circled the wheel he would apply uneven pressure at the three point in affect throwing a triangle. The next day or so he set about tooling the piece which has that distinctive Mangus flare and then a week or so later it along with a lot of pots made it into the anagama and away we go. Fired upside down the silvery flashy creates a surface that appears perpetually wet and in some degree of motion. I am sure there are a number of potters who throw this way and fire wood kilns but you just have to admit, Kirk Mangus was truly one of a kind, inspired, fun and an unending fount of experience and knowledge. 


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