Friday, January 31, 2014


Acting like a macrocosm of Oni-Shino, I am made to think of the concept of ko-uchu (miniature universe) while studying this enticing chaire by Tsukigata Nahiko. Though not necessarily a rarity Tsukigata did not leave a tremendous amount of chaire, with chawan and mizusashi outnumbering this particular form, though most of his chaire are expertly created as both functional pot and visual and contemplative treat. The pleasant and full shape of this wonderful gem like pot is enhanced by the use of iron and Shino glazes. It is completed with an accumulation of natural ash produced during the intense wood firing that has left trails of iron infused ash running down this piece. Appearing like a miniature of the myriad of tsubo that he made, this chaire has all of the broad characteristics of what Oni-Shino is all about; from the complex layers composed of rich iron, thick and diaphanous Shino and the addition of running ash, defining the form hidden beneath as canvas yet creating a piece of definition, purpose and startling authority. This chaire, like most of his work is compelling, attracting the viewer to drink in the power of the combination of clay, glaze and fire; such is the power of a good narrative at which Tsukigata Nahiko excelled.

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